2025 La Crosse Area MTB Registration

Parent/Guardian Information

Will be used for an emergency contact number. Please make sure this is a phone number that is monitored.

Will be used for communication from the team regarding team events and information.

Please provide parent/guardian address:


* Optional:

Create a password to save time and auto-fill your information on your next visit!

Parent or Guardian’s Consent, Representations and Agreements (including Indemnification Agreement) I, the person signing, represent and agree that: (1) I have the legal right to enter into the above participation agreement on behalf of the minor athlete or volunteer named above (the “Participant”) (2) I hereby enter into the above Participation Agreement on behalf of myself and on behalf of the participant; (3) I agree to HOLD HARMLESS, DEFEND and INDEMNIFY the Released Parties from any and all claims of mine – and any spouse, heir, representative or assign of mine – arising from loss or damages (be it property or personal-injury related) due to the Participant’s attendance at or participation in the Events, I hereby WAIVE, RELEASE and DISCHARGE those claims hereby, including all claims for NEGLIGENCE, except that I do not waive, release or discharge any claims for harm caused by a Released Party intentionally or recklessly.