Clean Up Participation Form

Registering for Round Valley Annual Clean Up 2025 - 09/20/2025 10:00 AM-2:00 PM Change



Join us at Round Valley Reservoir on Saturday September 21st at 10:00AM for an annual clean up. Check in will begin at 9:00AM.


Round Valley Reservoir sees thousands of visitors every year. People come to fish, swim, hike, camp, boat, and well scuba and snorkel. Unfortunately some leave behind traces of their visit.


Debris recovered from the reservoir consists of fishing lines and baits, fishing poles, plastic containers, glass bottles, cans, anchors, yes even motors are left behind sometimes.


Since 2019, our dive team and volunteers removed over 2500 lbs of debris from the reservoir and unfortunately there is still more to be removed.


Help keep this wonderful natural environment which is loaded with life such as bass, catfish, pickerel, eels, crayfish, and even turtles clean by helping us, and get a dive or two in as well!


Not a diver, we still need your help. We will welcome support from boaters, kayakers and even those that just prefer to stay on land.


We will have giveaways and prizes as well.


Pre-registration for this event is required.


Pollution and environmental issues impacting our planet are dominating headlines in the news and on social media! Therefore, it's easy to ask, “Is it too late to make a difference?”


The good news, thanks to the WAV Alliance (, real progress is happening in the world of marine conservation.


NAUI Divers around the world are taking action to make a positive impact on our marine environment. They are diving, not just for recreation, but diving with a purpose!


You can help give divers the vital support they need to better our world by making a tax-deductible donation to the WAV Alliance today!

Who will be participating?

Adult  Children

Signee Information

Have you ever participated in an event held by Scuba Connection?

Emergency Contact Info

Please enter the name for your emergency contact.

Please provide an emergency contact number.

Volunteer Diver Section

If you are a certified diver and would like to participate please answer the questions below. Also, please be sure to complete the NAUI Waivers as well.

Please indicate level of certification if you are a certified diver.

You will need to show proof of certification, do you have your card?

Please select all of the equipment items you will need such as: BC, reg, cylinder etc.

Do you have someone who is participating in this event you'd like to be teamed up with? Please enter their name here.

Non-Diver Section

If you are a non-diver please answer the following questions.

If you are a non-diver but would like to participate, please select what you would be interested in doing.

Please let us know what type of vessel you have. Please note boats with motors can not exceed 9.9hp.

* Optional:

Create a password to save time and auto-fill your information on your next visit!

By clicking 'I Agree' below, you agree that you have read and agree with the terms of the waiver and that the information you provided is accurate. You furthermore agree that your submission of this form, via the 'I Agree' button, shall constitute the execution of this document in exactly the same manner as if you had signed, by hand, a paper version of this agreement.