Scouting Participation Form


Who will be participating?

Adult  Children

Signee Information

Please select from this list which activity the form is for. A new sign up is required for each class. If you are participating in either swimming or life saving, but have not earned yet, you will select the course here but then answer no when asked below if you have earned.


Please provide a phone number for your emergency contact.

Skill Experience

Please be sure to complete the required medical questionnaire. A Physicians Signature is required.


Please let us know your height.

Please let us know your jacket size if you need a BCD

Please let us know your shoe size if you need fins.

Social Media

* Optional:

Create a password to save time and auto-fill your information on your next visit!

By clicking 'I Agree' below, you agree that you have read and agree with the terms of the waiver and that the information you provided is accurate. You furthermore agree that your submission of this form, via the 'I Agree' button, shall constitute the execution of this document in exactly the same manner as if you had signed, by hand, a paper version of this agreement.