In consideration of being permitted to participate in
one or more Women’s BodyMystik Dance Circles and/or Ceremonies (the “Workshops”), I agree
to the following:
- I acknowledge that there is physical activity
involved in the Workshops, and therefore some risk of physical injury. I
agree to participate with full knowledge of these risks. Should I deem
my participation in any of the activities to be unsafe, I will opt out
of that particular process and not put myself in harm’s way. I further
agree that it is my sole responsibility to make this judgment call, and
not the responsibility of the Workshop facilitator(s) nor any of the
other participants.
- I understand that the Workshops are not therapy
or psychological counseling and that Heather Munro Pierce Kelley is not a
licensed therapist. If I desire therapy or psychological counseling, I
will seek it from a licensed provider. I affirm that I am in good
emotional and psychological health. If I am under the care of a mental
health professional, I have consulted with and obtained permission to
participate in the Workshops from that mental health professional.
- I assume all risk from participating in the
Workshops. I and my heirs and assignees hereby release Heather Munro
Pierce Kelley, Temple Arts Institute LLC, Hillside Community Church,
Lowell Brook and Loren Eskenazi as well as their owners, teachers,
officers, agents, contractors and employees, from any liability claims,
demands and causes of action, now or in the future, for any losses or
physical, emotional or psychological illness or injury, however caused,
arising from, occurring during or occurring after my participation in
the Workshops.
- I further expressly agree that this release,
waiver of liability and indemnity agreement is intended to be as broad
and inclusive as is permitted by the law of the state of California, and
if any portion thereof is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance
shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect.
- I have read and voluntarily signed this document,
and further agree that no oral representations, statements or
inducements apart from the foregoing written agreement have been made.
This release and waiver of liability agreement is governed by the laws of the State of California, United States of America.