Registering for Day Camp for High School Youth June 12th - 06/12/2024 9:00 AM-3:00 PM Change

DAY CAMP FOR HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH | JUNE 12, 2024 | 9:00 - 3:00


Camp Phoenix is our innovative therapeutic camp at the Phoenix Center Ranch!

Therapeutic Activities Include:
Ziplines & Ropes Challenge Course
Art Therapy
Music Therapy
Animal-Assisted Therapy

Our innovative camp sessions provide an uninterrupted opportunity for healing, expression, and empowerment in a natural, restorative setting. Therapeutic camp sessions include trauma-informed adventure therapy (high and low ropes course), art therapy, music therapy, animal-assisted therapy, yoga therapy, hiking, and team building programs.

Camp Phoenix staff are licensed mental health professionals and highly trained graduate student intern volunteers. We look forward to seeing you at camp soon!

Scholarships are available for all camp dates.
