CrossFit Southie - 24 Hour Unattended Access Waiver​ ​

CrossFit Southie  - Unattended Door Access Agreement


Assumption of Risk: 

CrossFit Southie strongly recommends that you clear your participation in any exercise program with your physician. Use of the CrossFit Southie facilities under the Unattended Door Access program is unmonitored, and you use of the CrossFit Southie equipment and facilities is at your own risk - CrossFit Southie will not be responsible or liable for any injury or damages incurred by you arising or connected in any way with your use of the CrossFit Southie equipment and facilities. Membership is at CrossFit Southie’s sole discretion and any violation of the rules and regulations can result in cancellation of membership.” 


Unattended Access: 

I recognize that I may be attending the facility and using the facility’s equipment at times when the facility is unattended by facility staff or other members. I assume the risk of injury due to equipment failure, improper form, conduct of others using the facility or other causes related to lack of supervision and waive any claim arising out of the facility being unsupervised or unattended. 


 In full consideration of the above mentioned risks and hazards and in full consideration of the fact that I am willingly and voluntarily participating in self-administered activities using the equipment or facilities, and with my full understanding of all of the above, I hereby waive, release, remise and discharge CrossFit Southie and its successors, members, managers, agents, officers, and employees of any and all liability, claims, demands, action or rights of actions, or damages of any kind related to, arising from, or in any way connected with, my participation in physical training or my use of the equipment or facilities. 



I recognize there is risk involved in the types of activities commonly performed at CrossFit Southie and/or otherwise arising from use of the CrossFit Southie equipment or facilities. Therefore, I accept all liability and responsibility, financial or otherwise, for any injury that I may cause to myself, any guest of mine utilizing the CrossFIt Southie equipment or facilities, or to any other person utilizing the CrossFit Southie equipment or facilities due to my negligence or intentional acts. Should CrossFit Southie or any of its successors, members, managers, agents, officers, or employees, or anyone acting on behalf of any of these individuals, be required to incur attorney’s fees, legal fees, expenses, costs or loss (collectively “Losses”) due to any injury that I may cause to myself or to any other person utilizing the CrossFit Southie equipment or facilities due to my negligence or intentional acts, I agree to fully reimburse CrossFit Southie and/or such persons for such Losses. I further agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and, if necessary, defend CrossFit Southie and its successors, members, managers, agents, officers, or employees, from and against all liability for the injury or death of any person(s), including myself, and any damages or Losses whatsoever arising from my use of the CrossFit Southie equipment or facilities. 


I understand that I may not transfer my access credentials to another person and that my membership is for my sole use. I understand I am responsible for the conduct of any unauthorized person that accesses the facility through my credentials. 


Covenant Not To Sue:  

I, on behalf of myself and my heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, and/or anyone else claiming on my behalf, agree never to institute any suit or action at law or otherwise against any of the released parties, or to initiate or assist in the prosecution of any claim for damages or cause of action which i or my heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, and/or anyone else claiming on my behalf, may have by reason of injury to my person or property, or my death, arising from my participation in the program, whether caused by the negligence and/or other fault, either active or passive, of any of the released parties, or from any other cause. Should any such suit or action at law or otherwise be instituted against any of the released parties, I agree that such released parties shall be entitled to recover attorneys’ fees and costs incurred in defense of such suit or action, including any appeals therefrom. 


CrossFit Southie Unattended Door Access Rules:

I agree to follow all the rules below associated with Unattended Door Access.

1. Do not bring or otherwise allow a person that is not an approved member or guest of the facility to access the facility without permission of management.

2. Do not bring or otherwise allow a person younger than 18 years of age to access the facility without permission of management.

3. Athletes alone in the gym should keep their phone nearby in order to call 911 if required. In an emergency, call 911 immediately. 

4. All Doors, including garage doors, and windows must remain closed and locked during all non-class hours.

5. No one under the influence of alcohol or drugs is permitted in the gym at any time. No alcohol involved fitness activities are permitted without express permission from the owner 

6. Only use equipment you understand how to use.

7. Inspect the equipment to make sure it is properly functioning prior to using the equipment. 

8. Remove potential trip hazards from the floor and return all weights to the weight rack after you are finished lifting the weight.

9. Utilize a spotter whenever lifting heavy weight.

10. Stop exercising if you experience a potential injury and seek medical attention.

11. Inspect your surroundings to make sure equipment and weights are not obstructing your intended exercise.

12. Notify management and all other members using the facility if any equipment is not working properly or if you notice any potentially dangerous conditions within the facility. 

13.  Do not adjust the thermostat without permission.

14.  Inappropriate conduct with or toward other members will not be tolerated, and may result in revocation of Unattended  access or complete termination of gym membership.

15. Return all equipment to its designated storage place after using the equipment.  If you made a mess please please clean it up.

16. The gym is monitored 24/7 by surveillance camera. Do not touch, move, or unplug any security cameras.

17. Turn off any lights you turned on, including bathroom lights, and pause the music before leaving.

18. Any items taken from the fuel bar, apparel section, etc should be paid for using the ipad and square reader or one of the scannable QR codes on the front desk.  Failure to report is considered stealing and will be dealt with accordingly

19.  Blackout dates/times: Facilities may be rented to third parties and will not be available for Unattended access during that time.  Participants will be made aware through email and/or SugarWOD announcements.

20. Return all equipment, chalk, and/or other gym supplies to their designated storage place after using the equipment and pick up any items or trash brought into the gym or bathrooms. 

21.  We recommend wearing airpods.  If making use of the gym sounds system keep music to an acceptable level.

Failure to follow these guidelines will result in revocation of Unattended Door Access and may result in termination of gym membership.

How to Access

-Access is obtained to Southie Green (the main gym) by using a key tag on the middle door (black).  Access to Southie White can also be accessed with a key tag on by way of the back door.  

-Upon entering the main building, turn on the lights, just to your left, and lock the door behind you. If needed, other light switches in the facility are located on the right side of the mural, just to the right of the glass door entrance.  On the wall ball wall just in front of the air runners and just to the right of the orange door in the desk wing.

Signee Information

By clicking 'I Agree' below, you agree that you have read and agree with the terms of the waiver and that the information you provided is accurate. You furthermore agree that your submission of this form, via the 'I Agree' button, shall constitute the execution of this document in exactly the same manner as if you had signed, by hand, a paper version of this agreement.